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Update Profile Settings
Jobin Johny avatar
Written by Jobin Johny
Updated over 11 months ago

How to Access and Update Profile Settings

Accessing Profile Settings:

You can access the settings option in two different ways:

a. By clicking on the profile icon on the Getting Started screen.

b. By opening the action option of the profile box located at the left-bottom corner of the service desk screen.

Updating Profile Settings:

  1. Open the settings option using any of the two methods mentioned above.

  2. Once the settings window opens, select the "Profile" tab.

  3. Update the desired information that you want to change.

  4. Finally, click on the "Save Changes" button to save the updated information.

Here, you can provide information about yourself to keep your account up-to-date.

To update your full name, enter it in the "Full Name" field.

For your mobile number, enter it in the "Mobile Number" field.

Your business email address can be added in the "Email ID" field.

You can add an office number, you can input it in the "Office Number" field.

Please specify your current designation in the "Designation" field.

Lastly, add your current department in the "Department" field.

Remember to save your changes before leaving the tab to ensure your profile information is updated.

Congratulations! You have successfully updated your profile settings.

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