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How to Cancel Tickets(System app)
Jobin Johny avatar
Written by Jobin Johny
Updated over a year ago

Cancel a Ticket from Service Desk

  1. To begin, select the ticket that you wish to cancel.

  2. Once you have selected the ticket, An action bar will appear at the bottom.

  3. Click on the "cancel ticket" option to change the ticket status to "cancelled."

By following these steps, you will be able to cancelled a ticket quickly and easily with the least number of clicks.

Users can cancel multiple tickets simultaneously according to their preferences.

  1. To begin, select the multiple tickets you wish to cancel. You can do this by marking the selection on the checkbox of tickets.

  2. Once you have selected the tickets, a pop-up action bar will appear at the bottom. Click on the "cancel" button located on the action bar.

  3. After you have clicked on the "cancel" button, the selected tickets will be cancelled.

By following these steps, you will be able to quickly and easily close selected tickets at the same time, according to your preference.

To cancel a ticket within the ticket.

  1. To begin, click open the ticket that you wish to close.

  2. Click on the "cancel ticket" option on the upper right corner to change the ticket status to "cancelled".

By following these steps, you will be able to close a ticket seamlessly from within the ticket.

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