Create a NinjaOne automation to install IT-Connect on devices
The best way to illustrate this strategy is using an example. In this example, we will create an automation to install the IT-Connect on a windows endpoint.
The first step is to download the installation file from DeskDay
Upload the installation file to NinjaOne. Follow the steps below to complete this process:
Navigate to Administration > Library > Automation.
Click the +Add button on the right of the screen and select Installation from the drop down that appears. The Install Application dialog box appears. See the screenshot for reference.
Let’s dive into each field and explain what they mean.
Name: A name to identify this installation package.
Description: A brief description of what this installation package does, this is optional.
Operating system: The operating system this installation package is intended for.
Architecture: Some installation package distributions are 32-bit or 64-bit specific, if this is the case, choose accordingly, if not, then choose “All”.
Installer: this is where the installation executable file is uploaded. Choose the installer file to be used, this can be from your computer or a URL.
Categories: This is the category given to this package, this is used to allow or deny technicians to see it and run it. Run script permissions are provided to technicians per category in NinjaOne.
Run as: The user account for submitting the installer should be set to "System" by default. If a user-wide installer is needed, please contact DeskDay support team.
Parameters: The command line parameters needed for installation can be the default MSI options:"/quiet /qn /norestart".
On the “Additional Settings” tab we have more options.
Helper files: Additional files that the installer may need to run.
Installer icon: An optional icon used to identify this installation package.
Pre-script: Some script that may be needed right before the installation.
Post-script: Some script that may be needed after the installation takes place. Note that this script will be skipped if the installation package fails to install.
Check the software documentation to see if any of the above options are required, for our example case, they are not.
Fill out the required fields and click the Submit. After entering the MFA method response, the new automation will be sent to the malware scanner for review, which may take a few minutes.
After successful scanning, the new automation will be available in the Automation Library. Once it is available in the Automation Library, you can deploy it to your customer devices in the NinjaOne console, running as System without requiring any custom parameters.