To share a Report, follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the side navigation bar and choose "Reports."
Step 2: Access the reports drop-down and select "Reports." Within the displayed screen, seamlessly switch between navigation tabs such as "Tickets, projects, tasks."
Step 3: Open the specific report you want to share. Choose the customer for whom you want to view reports.
Step 4: In the upper-right corner of the opened report view, locate the share icon and click on it.
Step 5: In the opened screen, the customer's name will be displayed by default. Enter the email address to which you want to send the report.
Step 6: From the drop-down in the mailbox, select the file type. Options include: PDF, CSV, XLSX.
Step 7: Finally, click on "send" to dispatch the report.
Congratulations! You have successfully shared a report with the intended recipient.